Monday 21 January 2013

It's snowing and meal planning

We seem to be the last place to get snow which is good because it doesn't take much to snow us in.Our house is at the end of a track up a steep hill and then down a small hill which means to get out the reverse-of course!The small hill always catches the snow and although  at the moment it's not lying everywhere the track here is white.Not that I was planning on going out in my car anyway-trying to minimize the mileage this year.

I have my meals planned out for the week
Monday-tuna pasta
Tues-tuna sauce pizza
Wed-ham soup made tues as I'm going to light the kitchen stove
Thurs-salmon fillets mini roasts and veg
Fri-I'm out so other half will have something and mash
Sat-all here haggis mash and neeps

My lovely local butcher is going to make gluten free haggis :) and sausages so I'll get some for the freezer.

I'm due to go to Oban on Wed weather permitting so I'll see if I get anyhing reduced for the freezer for Fri and the roast when I visit Mr Tesco.My mum will come as well so that's 2 households shopping and a trip to the dentist,but it is a 70 mile round trip!
Atleast my cupboard will be full of Value tins once more...

By the way it's still snowing......

1 comment:

  1. Found you via the lovely Dreamer - your blog looks like my sort of thing so I'll be following with interest! x
