Tuesday 31 December 2013

How will i do in 2014

I've been thinking over the past couple of days about 'stuff' the sort of things we make resolutions over. Usually it's exercise-do more etc etc but since I broke my ankle I've missed getting out and about with Skipper.I'm on the mend now but it's still stiff if I'm not careful and I have to think which forest tracks to take her down as some are a bit rough.So I'm going to walk a little further each day beyond the 'norm' building up to about an hour each way.This will be able to be split up as the days get shorter if I need to or if time dictates. People come on holiday here for the walks etc so I'm silly nott to make the most of them.

I love reading blogs with no spend days,challenges etc but I've never been successful myself-too impatient I think for the 'reward' so I decided to have a no spend day pot and once a month open it up to treat mum,dad,both or whoever to coffee out or lunch if it's been a good month.

I need to sort out my food cupboards next week and see how I can make things last through January with as little shopping possible and make as much as I can from scratch-it's much better for us anyway...

On the crafting front I've a load of new ideas in my head and a couple of orders/swaps to start next week and my rug canvas has arrived!!! Need to sort through all those old T-shirts and work out a colour scheme. 1m sq is quite large however so I may pinch a bit for an idea I have for my business. sshh don't tell.

Happy New Year everyone and I hope you have a lovely evening however you spend it xx

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your walking, like you say people pay to visit our lovely countryside and we get to enjoy it every day on the doorstep. Don't overdo it with your ankle though.
